Ayurveda WHAT?!


Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to “the wisdom of life” or ” the knowledge of longevity”. When broken down Ayur = life and veda = science or knowledge. “It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realizing their full human potential.” (Chopra, Deepak).

Ayurveda was created thousands of years ago, but to this day continues to be one of the worlds most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems.

According to Deepak Chopra the two main guiding principles of Ayurveda are 1) the mind and the body are inextricably connected, and 2) nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind.

If you are still confused, that is okay. Ayurveda is a science that is constantly perfecting itself even thousands of years later. With newer technology comes more well researched information. The easiest way to understand Ayurveda is seeing it as a holistic healing science. But instead of going to the doctor because you have constant migraines to get some medicated shit to ease the pain Ayurveda is going to look at you as a whole person who are made up of 5 elements: space, earth, air, water, and fire. If one of these elements are imbalanced that will be the cause of your migrains…. but it is going to be so much more.

The 5 elements within create something called Doshas which are three energies believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity.

The Doshas is such a large topic I will be covering this in a later post, but for now the three Doshas are: Vata (Earth and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water), and Kapha (Water and Earth). Generally everyone has a little bit of each Dosha, but often times there is one that is greater than the others. Once which Dosha you are is unveiled everything in Ayurveda clicks together and many Ayurveda Experts can pin point why that migraine is happening and how to treat it according to what YOUR BODY NEEDS!

And that is the biggest problem with westernized medicine. At age 18, I weighed in at barely over 100 pounds (I am a dancer and super short, I no longer weigh that), I got my wisdom teeth out. They sent me home with a vile of big time drugs for the pain because that is what they give everyone who comes in. Thankfully my mother knew better and would not let me take those. I was little, I did not weight enough to be taking those drugs and my body would not of liked them. (I also puked after coming out from the anesthesia).

This example is so small compared to all the medical mistakes that happen in our society today. It is sad.

Now don’t get me wrong, we need Western medicine. There recently was a measles outbreak in Minnesota where I am from, I REPEAT A FUCKING MEASLES OUTBREAK. This happened because of all the anti-vaccing shit and I completely see both sides, but come on people. We got rid of that a long time ago because of our westernized medicene. That is a good thing, but over done…. we will be going back to the times when people lived until 40. That is just fact.

Here in America we eat processed food, we do not exercise enough, and we breathe in horrible toxins. Western medicine saves us…… BUT Ayurveda is not just a science…. It is a way of life. You literally eat, sleep, and breathe it. The food is delicious and set to what YOUR body needs. And living the Aryuveda lifestyle you will limit those pesky winter colds, but not completely annihilate them.


This is just the first layer of it too, I will be continuing my own research in Ayurveda in hopes that I can enlighten you all on the subject as well.

Rant over.


Jai Bhgwan,

xx Sophia

Mudra Mondays

Ratna Prabha Mudra – Gesture of the Radiant Jewel

This Mudra is for Aryuvedic Healing (this will be the topic of tomorrows post)

This Mudras core quality is Vitality

  1. Interlace all the fingers to the outside, with the right thumb on top.
  2. Extend the index and middle fingers straight forward, joined along their length.
  3. Rest the wrists onto the upper abdomen, with the fingers pointing forward.
  4. Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body and the spine naturally aligned.

This Mudra Helps With:

  • Balancing Kapha dosha by enhancing energy, enthusiasm and vitality.
  • Activating digestion.
  • Helping to clear congestion from the lungs and sinus passages.
  • Increasing mental clarity.


→ Those with hypertension should carefully monitor the effects.

*All my information comes from Mudra Cards (Mudras for Healing and Transformation) by Joseph and Lillian Le Page


Jai Bhgwan,

xx Sophia

Fusion Flow Friday


Happy Friday, we’ve got a special guest this Friday… Brett Cox!

Brett Cox is an avid mover, with his MFA in Contemporary/Modern Dance he takes his body knowledge to the next level intermixing the two aesthetics of dance and yoga.

Watch him cut through the air and flow through different postures in this weeks Fusion Flow Friday.


Jai Bhgwan

xx Sophia

Mudra Monday


Madhyama Sharira Mudra – Gesture of the Middle Body

This mudra is one of four Sharira Mudras.

This Mudras core quality is middle body breathing

  1. With the fingers together, stretch the thumbs away from the fingers as much as possible.
  2. Gently press the thumbs into the centers of the armpits and rest the inner borders of the index fingers on the upper chest.
  3. Keep the forearms and palms parallel to the earth.
  4. Relax the shoulders back and down, with the spine naturally aligned.

This Mudra Helps With:

  • Connecting to the middle body.
  • Enhancing breath capacity, especially in the middle lungs.
  • Releasing tension from the middle back.
  • Supporting immune function.
  • Instilling a sense of openness.


→ Physical pressure to the lymph nodes is not recommended for breast or lymphatic cancers.

*All my information comes from Mudra Cards (Mudras for Healing and Transformation) by Joseph and Lillian Le Page


Jai Bhgwan,

xx Sophia

Fusion Flow SUNDAY!?


The internet. I have a love//hate relationship with the internet. I filmed this video with the intention of posting it on friday, but alas… MY WIFI DECIDED NOT TO WORK. I spent endless hours trying to upload this and finally two days later it is ready.

So here is my Fusion Flow Friday on a Sunday.

Did you know yoga used to be done off the mat? Yes. It is true, yoga mats begun to popularize in the 90s… YES 1990! Only a little over 20 years ago. Before then yoga was generally done in a carpeted room, could you imagine? FLOOR BURN!

Alas yoga outside is a very common thing, but due to the terrain of the ground it can have its own struggles (watching me struggle to find my balance in this video).


Our feet are so amazing, one of my teachers once compared them to a four wheeler, something that can adapt to the different terrain and really our feet can do that! Though I struggled, I did not fall. THANK YOU FEET!


Jai Bhgwan,

xx Sophia

Epoch – A Dance Film

 Epoch – a period of time in a person’s life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.

Dance, for me, is a way to express myself when no words can come to my mind. I have always been a mover, always wanting to inspire people with just the movement.

This piece features myself along with my partner, Brett Cox. Filmed by Black Market Dance and Film in North Carolina, a place I currently call home. The title is fitting for many reasons. Life is not static though we treat it that way. Time is constantly moving, events are constantly happening. Remember that the woman checking you out at the grocery store has her own stories just as much as that driver who cut you off. Each of our lives are marked by notable events, yet all of our lives are so different. Remember the humanity in everyone.

Jai Bhgwan

xx, Sophia